Lothlorien Woods: part 2
Better late than never, here are a few pics from the journey to Lothlorien Woods, located south of Mt. Adams in Washington state. The weather was consistently changing from snow, to rain, to sun; making for some interestiung shots. In part 1 I displayed the sites of the area in video format. In part 2 I offer up some images to enjoy.
Spring snow storm made a quiet entrance through the Pole Pine Forest located around the treehouse.
Shot through the branches into the field from the front porch, the second snow storm of the weekend.
Just up the road is a great view of the next ridge across the valley. We made the walk up the hill just as the rain subsided. With the fog beginning to clear an opportunity for a shot came up.
The farm across the field from the treehouse has some typical residents, including four horses. We didnt get a chance to meet any of them up close, but they have been known to visit the treehouse in search of treats.