Redwoods Adventure 2011
Early Fall in the Redwoods National Park is an incredible time for many reasons. One the summer crowds are gone, two the weather is cooperative, three the wildlife comes out for final preparations for the winter months. Five people crammed into my Subaru for a long weekend of hiking and camping along the edge of the giant redwoods of Northern California.Â
The Subaru, recently purchased, had some trouble along the way (bad head gasket) but powered through to the very end. Sherry, Lynda, Ben, Anthony, and I spent one night along the coast on the first night, sleeping with the crashing waves echoing in the distance.
 The next few days that followed were spent exploring a few of the redwood groves that dot the Redwood National forest, which consists of three areas; Jedidiah Smith, Del Norte, and Prairie Creek.
We got to witness the awe of the Stout Tree Grove and the dizzying heights of the Tall Trees grove. The latter was our destination for camping the second night, as an additional mile hike to the Redwood Creek bed would provide a sandy bar to sleep on.
This creek was also filled with life, from small animals like frogs and geckos to larger furry ones such as the small group of deer that walked by the camp a couple times.
This trip has become an annual event, and for a reason. These are just a few of the images I captured while on the trip. Can't wait for next year.